ASL Tales Curriculum development Project

After 5 years, hundreds of volunteers, and $60,000 there are 5 books published and being used to change lives with literacy, a multi-language approach and sign language. This project’s goal is to raise $5K to get much needed teacher/parent guides written to support the use of ASL Tales books in homes, homeschools, classrooms and libraries around the country. Your financial support will get people using ASL Tales books and allow my team to write and publish teacher guides with activities for children to use by this summer. Your support matters!

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Indiegogo Project for Curriculum Development

Please consider supporting my project in whatever way you can.  Every dollar helps, and helps kids who need these books the most.    In honor of prosperity and abundance, please share my project with your contacts.   100% of donations are tax deductible and support the American Society for Deaf Children, get books into the hands of kids who need them most, and allow me to write super awesome parent/teacher guidebooks so folks can get even MORE value from using ASL Tales books …..that what???  Build Better Brains!

Thanks for your support…


What is “Signing Says”?



SIGNING SAYS DVDs are REAL Language teachers of ASL.  Not just sign by sign instruction.  Our DVDs teach you real language “in context” so you can be up and signing about real life situations quickly.

1.  Watch the Clues.  They help you understand what the signs mean in context.

2.  Play with the Clues to see what you know, what you remember, and find out what more you can learn.

3.  Vocabulary.  Great review of signs learned in context.

4.  Play.  Watch the message and practice them with a family member or friend.

5.  Happy Signing!

How did ASL Tales come to life?

It began in 2008 with Pinky and Alisha who are two native ASL signers, and the inspired action of committed hearing and Deaf collaborators.  From there countless creative individuals have passed on their gifts and talents to ASL Tales.  Now we have 5 books and DVDs in real language that combine a multicultural approach with signing, a Clues component that teaches everyone how to decode a visual language message, and 10 spoken languages so that story telling is accessible to everyone!   rapunzel

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In the last several decades, the use of signs has crossed the boundary of the Deaf community and been adopted in popular culture and educational settings. Virtually every library in the country has books on signing. Signs are used in classrooms for pre-schoolers, for children with special needs, and even for foreign-language credit.  Teaching sign vocabulary to infants and toddlers has become common practice.

Signing Says DVD

Signing Says DVD

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A group of committed volunteers, rooted in the belief that exposure to masterful ASL storytelling would alter the experience of those already interested in ‘sign language’,  set out to discover and create bi-lingual literature to inspire a new understanding of American Sign Language and create early literacy opportunities for all children. Beyond our expectations, we are discovering applications exceeding our original mission.

Would you like free books for your class or local school?  Contact us for research opportunities!

Using ASL Tales with Deaf or Hearing Babies!

ASL storytelling builds strong brains, family bonds, enhances right-brain imagination skills, and encourages literacy, vocabulary building and inference skills.


The storytelling model serves several functions:

  •  It’s accessible to parents and siblings and it’s FUN!  Human beings love stories!
  •  It serves as an enjoyable learning opportunity, and allows siblings and families to understand ASL as a viable and enjoyable way of communicating.
  • It serves as an early foundation for developing literacy.  We know that with hearing children, reading to young toddlers enhances pre-literacy skills. English-ASL paired literature provides an opportunity for family reading time and sends an important message to Deaf children that they (and their language) are important. Hearing children find the multi-modal format fascinating.  As adults we know the value of literacy and multi-lingualism to the developing brain.
  • Beyond literacy, ASL literature provides parents with a glimpse into the Deaf world as a future that holds promise for their children. And regardless of hearing status, building the visual cortex of the brain!
  • Whatever educational approach families chose for their children, a vital predictor of success and a vital underpinning for a child’s sense of self-worth is acceptance.  By exposing parents to a language and culture which, in almost all cases, becomes part of a Deaf child’s future, not only enhances the child’s future, it also creates closer bonds between children and families.
  • For hearing families, they become exposed to the many languages on the DVD as well as sign language and English.  Win Win!

To purchase books, DVDs and apps for ipads please go to the buy page now called Purchase products!

Thank you and HAPPY SIGNING!

What makes ASL tales books special????

Want to help ALL children and adults learn to read?  Encourage them to enjoy getting information by reading?  Become literate?

“The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines literacy as the “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society.”

How can ASL Tales help?  By using TWO parts of our language brain!  Visual and hearing….like magic the stories come ALIVE!

ASL Tales books and applications present the written word in totally NEW WAYS! The visual presentation of ASL by Deaf actors and professionals draws kids and adults into the stories in new ways.  Users of ASL Tales books rave about the way the stories COME ALIVE before them….turning a once simple tale into a magical kingdom of their imagination.

Annie's Tails
Annie’s Tails